happy Easter weekend!

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happy Easter weekend!

Post by pamcook »

I hope you all have some time to create this weekend.

If not, maybe take some time to look through all the topics and beautiful creations from our PAO sisters and give them some feedback?
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Re: happy Easter weekend!

Post by katymjo »

Yesterday my friend Val called round all our friends to deliver the Easter Treats bags that our committee had put together. They looked so pretty in their "Peter Rabbit" bags tied up with ribbon. There was a nice assortment of chocolate goodies, a hot cross bun and home-made mini biscuits, along with a card and an Easter quiz.
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Re: happy Easter weekend!

Post by jfugina »

Happy Easter! I'm not quite sure what our day will hold. Most likely it will just be a typical Sunday. My MIL did drop by a plate of brownies (in place of baskets) and a hanging basket of flowers on Friday, but as our household is following the CDC guidance by the book (and probably a little more strictly than that even), we won't be gathering with anyone. We only ever did the Pagan parts of the holiday anyway and it's been years since the kids were interested in eggs and baskets.

Mostly I think it's just going to be a lovely spring day where I sit outside reading, and they boys sit inside in front of a computer all day. Nicole will be working. But maybe if it's slow at the mall, they'll let some folks go early. She put in almost 30 hours last week and could use an evening off.
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Re: happy Easter weekend!

Post by mpizzazz »

It's been a very rainy 4 day weekend here. Luckily we did not get the torrential rain predicted because the storm turned out to sea. I spent most of the day knitting gloves and sewing a binding on a quilt. We forgot all about getting some nice chocolates from the Easter Bunny, maybe we'll find some on sale this week!
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Re: happy Easter weekend!

Post by pamcook »

How nice to get goodie bags from friends Kathryn!

I flaked on sending Easter cards to the grandkids this year. The Easter Bunny baker will deliver some cupcakes to Cara & her family from me and the Amazon Bunny will deliver a gift to Kenan this week. Joel had the traditional chicken salad sandwich for a late Easter lunch and I had a vegan Gouda cheese on toast. Dread of going back to work tomorrow has overwhelmed me today. Sad. Maybe I’ll go for a walk and try to burn off the dread. The weather is pretty much perfect here today.

Maybe I’ll make another scrapbook page instead.
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Re: happy Easter weekend!

Post by Monica »

I've been having a fairly lazy weekend as spring allergies have been flaring up, which means drugs and groggy me. DH went to spend the weekend with his mom and sister, so the house has been quiet aside from Belle chattering at me. Never had a cat so vocal as this one is! I did get boxes out to my brother's girls and my nieces on DH's side, including handmade cards, but I didn't get them to my other nieces and nephew given that everyone has moved within the past 3 months and I don't have current addresses yet.

I did get some more of my MIL's photos scrapped yesterday, and sorted the rest that were in photo sleeves into chronological order to get the rest done, so I call it a win for the weekend!
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Re: happy Easter weekend!

Post by Keitha »

A belated Happy Easter everyone! Although the 'kids' are 15, 17 and 22 they dyed Easter eggs on Friday - Noah's and Cameron's girlfriends joined in for that - and the Easter bunny, upon request, hid some chocolate for a hunt this morning. The weather is finally nice enough to spend time outdoors without being all bundled up.
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Re: happy Easter weekend!

Post by pbp908 »

I'm on horse duty right now, so I'm spending time at the barn. One of these days I'll remember to take my camera with me. :lol:

Unfortunately no chocolate bunnies here - Chris is making vegan cheese (don't ask) and poor Adam has been stuck with kitchen duty.
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO

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