My Week - How's Yours???

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My Week - How's Yours???

Post by pbp908 »

Last Saturday we lost our water pump. It's submersible so it was 80' down. Whoo hoo. We figured out a way to feed water into the house so we could flush, but SOMEONE forgot to cut off the hot water heater. The water trickled down onto the hot coils and started a sauna in the utility room - hot steam everywhere, which caused the PVC joints to swell and start spewing. So no more flushing until the well man and a plumber could get here on Monday.

Pump pulled up, new one installed. But George forgot to cut off the water in the house where the McGyver'ed water feed had been disconnected, so the utility room flooded - again. Had to replace the plumbing there because it was so old it wouldn't shut off. Then the water heater sprang 2 more leaks, so two more floodings and more plumbing replaced. All was finally repaired on Tuesday.

Tuesday evening just at dusk, one of the demons that live on our street hit Apollo and didn't bother to stop. Adam got him in the house and I called the emergency vet, where he spent the night to reduce the swelling, expelled all of the blood clots in his muzzle, treat the shock and pain, and on and on. Vet called yesterday morning and he was sooo much better, but he'd lost a lot of blood from the hit to his face. So he's now on a diet of wet food and chicken livers, which is no hardship for him as that's how the tree guys spoiled him every day. His eye still had some blood and debris in it, so I've been flushing it with saline and cleaning it. Today it's 100% better and my big boy is acting more like himself.

I found a fencing company who came by yesterday afternoon late, and we did some planning on what we want to do. He's coming today at noon to finalize measurements and exactly what I want. This neighborhood is not the nice quiet place it was when Cedric was alive, so I'm fencing part of the back yard to keep my furbabies safe.

As for the painting, I managed to screw up the meniscus on the left knee by going up and down the ladder. Sooooo, I'm gimping along but have a painter coming next week. Also a roofer to look at the damage done by one of the trees that I had removed - before it died it started growing into the roof so that has to be repaired.

I waved bye-bye to what's left in my retirement account and transferred it all to savings so I can do all of this.

Lesson learned this week - don't ever ask what's next because the Universe will let you know very quickly.

Hope everyone else is having a better week than I am and that Keitha is enjoying being back home!
Pam P.
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by paddlegal »

There are no words Pam. I was most upset to hear about Apollo and your knee. I am shaking my and Apollo need to rest up and get better. And knock it off using a ladder! However I do understand that “I’ll do it myself” mentality. Bob gets after me about that very same behavior from me.

Do take care Pam and I hope all things needing fixing get fixed. :happy94:

My weekend...going to do a bit of birding tomorrow while Bob has his trombone lesson. Yes, he’s learning the trombone. He’s a quick learner and a determined one. Today my Catherine Pooler order should arrive that I am seriously excited about. Will post a photo. My Thanksgiving cards will be using what’s coming. And probably Christmas cards too, LOL. Charley is in serious preparation mode with his law school partner for next week’s big show...moot court. He and partner are the prosecutors which is what he hopes to do IRL. Very exciting for him.

It’s feeling like fall here. After our horrific wind storm (fanning fires north) the weather has cooled way down. 31 this morning. I am now headed to the pool for my Aquafit class. Hope they fired up the heater!
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by Monica »

Holy hell, Pam. Life threw you some seriously severe mountain-sized bumps in the road! I'm thankful Apollo is recovering and hope you and he both take it easy. It's really sad that people are so thoughtless and careless when driving. :happy94:
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by pat-czap »

Well, I have nothing, NOTHING, to complain about after reading this Pam.

I too, am heartbroken about your pup and knee. May you both continue to recover. :happy94:
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by pugmom »

Oh, Pam, I am so sorry for all you've been through. What a nightmare.
I'm sitting with Pat...... Not going to complain about anything. I'm just going to continue packing and keep my mouth shut. Hugs to you and Apollo.
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by pamcook »

It made me sick to read about Apollo. So glad he’s feeling better and you need to take care of yourself. Too much stress is dangerous. As if I need to tell you that. All those home repairs are a pain but still a great investment. Still, I can relate to water woes.

I’ve been enjoying a week in WA with Kenan and his parents. We’ve seen just about every inch of Mason County and part of Pierce County, handed out candy to over 1000 kids, and today Mandee and I are going to a sign making class (hope I can carry it on the plane!). Tonight is BMX again, tomorrow we’ll explore Snokomish. I think.
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by nchoney »

Pam P... holy cow.... you've had quite the week... glad to hear you and Apollo are on the mend....

Pam C... you're having a busy week, too... but lots more fun...

I've been having a slow week... my work partner-in-crime is off this week.. so no major projects... I went to the trunk or treat after work last night... Mike was handing out candy with a fire truck as his vehicle... I showed up in my costume from work :-)

the pumpkin is decked out as a spider nest with a bunch of spiders crawling on it.... and up a web to the ceiling... across to the door... where there was a huge mama spider and more siblings on a big web... I was dressed up as a Spider Queen, I guess... with a spider on my hat, a glittery web cape... and my little pet (animated) spider that made noises ... another fun day at the office
IT spider nest.jpg
IT spider nest.jpg (43.01 KiB) Viewed 518 times
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by troublesmom »

Pam P you have certainly had a rough week for sure. Hope things start to improve and your baby is soon much better.

Pam C enjoy your time with family.

Week has been okay. We are actually going to watch ggranddaughter play ball tomorrow as her team is playing a tournament in Myrtle Beach. Very nice to have cooler weather.
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by troublesmom »

Debi your spider family is wonderful. Much fun.
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by pbp908 »

Farley, birding sounds good! Apollo and I may sit on the deck tomorrow and listen to the last of the migrating and to those who are staying.

Sue, I don't envy your packing at all!

Pam, I'm jealous! One day all of my drama will settle and I'll finally be able to make the trip to Wa.!

Debi! Looooove the Spider Woman!

Cheryl, enjoy the tournament. A day in the sun is always a wonderful thing. At least the weather isn't sweltering like it was Thursday.

Apollo is doing much better but is still tired and achy. He's loving the chicken livers and the soft "home cooked" meals. Spoiled brat! His friend Zeus came by today and perked him up quite a bit. He also took a ride on the golf cart with his daddy - he loves to ride with George around the property. He sleeps a lot and I sit and read a lot!

I was disappointed in the paint color that I picked - on the wall it looks like baby blanket blue. When TJ came by he saw it and said that his fiance would love it for their guest room, so he purchased the 2 gallons I didn't use! Yay! So tomorrow I'm off to Lowes to find the RIGHT color for the dining room, den and kitchen. Our living areas flow into each other, so I have to find something that I can live with that won't clash with that blue. I can stand it for a while in one room. rofl So far so good - no leaks and we can still flush!
Pam P.
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by jmp1022 »

I hope everyone has recovered from the accident, fence up and knee better.

Love the halloween stuff Debi

Emjoy the tournament

I go to the Y 5-6 days a week for water exercise.

I bet you are glad to be home Keitha.

I'd love to move but the whole house so I do not have to pack.

I have not been to WA either. I'd love to go.

Enjoy your weekend
Jill P
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by jmp1022 »

I got a color called malted milk,
sometimes it looks tan sometimes lavender.
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by pbp908 »

I'm heading to town soon with my color stick to try to find something I can live with. I have to work around the orangey red sofa in the den. I've been thinking pale blue/green with a touch of grey, but not sure at this point. It has to flow with the other rooms. <sigh>
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by Keitha »

Pam P – how awful for you and Apollo. I’m happy to hear you’re both on the mend, and hope November is a better month for you. Your painting woes remind me of the time years ago I bought paint for my living room, which my SIL painted while I was off to work one day. Came home to a living room coated in what appeared to be baby poo – sure looked different on the paint chip, LOL. My uncomplaining SIL repainted it a different colour the next day. My advice if you really don’t like the colour would be to repaint it right away.
Farley, the Sandhill Cranes are migrating through my area right now. I’m going to have to brave the cold, wind and rain if I want to see them; our forecast is dismal for days to come.
Pam C – looking forward to your upcoming layouts from WA. I didn’t have the opportunity to travel around much when I was in Seattle a few years ago; it’s an area I’d like to get back to.
Debi – great Halloween costume and décor. Because we were in serious packing-up mode at the office which we closed on Friday, we didn’t even so much as carve a pumpkin.
Cheryl – enjoy the ball tournament. My grandkids have segued into Volleyball tournaments and swim meets; now that I’m off work for a bit I hope to get to both in coming weeks.
I was happy yesterday to have put the winter tires on my car already; we got an icy blast of sleet and snow Thursday night into Friday morning with several inches’ accumulation on the ground in North Bay. Thankfully it stopped snowing before I started the drive home, although the roads were still quite sloppy and I got slowed down by plows a couple of times. I’m headed out to get my hair cut this afternoon and tomorrow will check out the local Christmas craft show.
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Re: My Week - How's Yours???

Post by pbp908 »

I was able to get rid of the baby blue paint that I'm not going to use, and replaced it with a pale green with grey undertones. It'll blend with the other color in the living room w/o being too obnoxious. And I found a chair for the living room that's teal, baby blue and chocolate on an ivory background and a teal ottoman. Now I can sit in the living room with the headphones on, listen to classical music w/o everyone yelling at the volume drowning out everything else, and read a book in comfort! That'll tie the colors together and once I put the area rug back down in the LR I think the walls will sort of fade into the background. That and get some art hung back on the walls. I can live with the blue in one room, especially with drapes, artwork and tall pieces of furniture covering a lot of it. The thoughts of it in the den with that sofa drove me nuts!

AND - got one quote back today for the fencing. 100' deep on 2 sides, 91' across the back and a 14' partial on the front side. 3 gates - 2 3' wide and 1 10' so we can get the tractor and lawn mower in. It'll be worth it to know the babies are safe but WOW!
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO
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