Hooray for Friday!

Something else on your mind? Keep it clean, keep it nice
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Hooray for Friday!

Post by jfugina »

I've only been back from vacation for less than two weeks, but I can't even tell you how thankful I am for the long weekend and holiday on Monday. While I promise to take a moment to silently acknowledge the purpose for the holiday, I'm not going to lie - this is probably my favorite day off for completely different reasons (selfish reasons). It used to be a day when I had off, but Rob didn't, and I could send my kids to daycare and sit all day and read, or be crafty, in absolute silence. It was glorious. But these days Rob gets the day off as well, and the kids don't go anywhere special when they're out of school, so it's just an extra weekend day that I don't have log vacation for, but also don't have any social obligations (like xmas/new years).

So how am I spending this fantastic long weekend? Well, Rob ordered a new toilet for our bathroom (power assisted flush), and it came in today, so I imagine I'll be a plumbers assistant at some point. I've never seen him this excited about a home improvement/repair project. I guess I would be too if I had to use a plunger every damn day. Anyway... secondly, I've been waiting for this weekend to get my car serviced. I have an appointment for an oil change and an engine light diagnosis on Monday. Lastly, I've been waiting for this weekend to rent a carpet cleaner suck up several years of food, beverages and general grime from my living room. I tried my spot bot on some mud Jake tracked in, and it cleaned a lot better than I expected, and now the target stain is gone, but so is a larger circle of grime that makes it stunningly obvious how filthy the rest of that room is. :-o

Somewhere in there I'm going to play with my new SG kit, due to arrive tomorrow. I'm determined to work that in somehow. But the toilet, the carpet, and car service - do I know how to party or what? :lol:
Julie Fugina
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Re: Hooray for Friday!

Post by pat-czap »

I'm tired just reading that. ;) .

I hope your long weekend goes according to plan. Make sure you get ME time.
Pat from NW OHIO
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Re: Hooray for Friday!

Post by paddlegal »

I don’t know Julie, that toilette sounds pretty exciting and awesome. :lol:

But DO get some time to enjoy your new kit.
FARLEY in Sacramento
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Re: Hooray for Friday!

Post by pbp908 »

Sounds like the way my weekends used to be.

Reminds me of the old joke - What do you call a person who enjoys Mondays? Retired. :lol:
Pam P.
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Re: Hooray for Friday!

Post by jfugina »

Well, the toilet got completely installed Friday night. Of course, it's still not "done" because Rob wants to put one final bead of silicone at the base, so of course that probably means all of the project tools will still be in our bathroom this time next year. But, the toilet is functional, and while I haven't quite gotten used to it (it's also handicap height), he is over the moon. So that's awesome.

I did get the living room carpet cleaned yesterday. It's not perfect, but it's a fair sight better than it was. That carpet is original to the house (17 years) and it's the main room we live in. So the fact that it's not worn down to the pad yet is stunning. I'd love to replace it with a nice multi-color burbur, but we'd have to disassemble a 65 gallon marine tank to move it out, and I just don't see that happening until the carpet literally has worn down to holes.

Today is scrap day! My new kits came yesterday, and I'm fixing to start getting those assembled and added to the empty page stash. I've also pulled a few other papers to attempt to use with the sketches. I probably won't get them all assembled today, but I do intend to spend the rest of the day playing with paper in some capacity. Because tomorrow it's back to the drudgery errands. Nicole has guard practice first thing in the morning, and I've got errands and grocery shopping to knock out before I head to the dealer to get my car checked on.
Julie Fugina
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Re: Hooray for Friday!

Post by troublesmom »

What a super busy weekend Julie! I'm sure you will enjoy your almost completed project for many years to come.
Myrtle Beach
#59 in order PAO
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