Scrapping: what's your process?

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Scrapping: what's your process?

Post by Keitha »

I'm always intrigued by others' scrapbook process. I'm working my way through the videos for Shimelle's Behind the Scenes class, in the current video she's putting a bunch of page kits together. I also like to kit pages but our approach is very different; she is guided mostly by colour whereas my method is to focus on the theme or mood of the photos - and as manufacturers tend to use similar colour palettes for different themes I find it's pretty easy to coordinate products between different lines - and that was true even before the pink/aqua/yellow era.
Pam C, I know your design aesthetic is similar to Shimelle's; do you kit pages in advance or just work page by page? Is colour the deciding factor for you, or something else? As a kit club subscriber, do you work within the framework of those provided supplies? (Kudos if you do; I could never make that work for me.) Anyone have a different method I haven't thought of?
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Re: Scrapping: what's your process?

Post by pbp908 »

I let the photos dictate. I start with color and mood and go from there.
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Re: Scrapping: what's your process?

Post by pamcook »


How’s that for an answer? :lol: I really do it all. When I have a lot of photos from one event - a zoo trip for example - ideally, I’d print them all and sort them into pages. (Did anyone else take a power layouts class from Creative Memories?). I’ll choose a background paper for each set and then similar to Shimelle’s page kits, I add ephemeral, memorabilia, tuckies, enamel dots, die cuts, whatever. One I feel like I’ve pulled out anything I planned to add, Ill think about stamps or titles. I used to stack them in a pizza box but a couple of years ago (the year Keitha joined us at the beach), I put them each into page protectors and then into an album and that worked really well. I liked how Shimelle tucked in washi tape rolls. Sometimes I see a layout online and feel inspired to create something similar with what I have. Even though those pages are usually inspired by the design or maybe products, I would make sure they worked with the colors or event in my pictures.

So, yes, she focuses on colors in her photos to make her kits. I think I do that in some way I really can’t define but I do think about themes as well.

When I susbscribe to kit clubs, I almost never use them without adding a lot from my stash. I still think HipKit Club does a great job of using products from a lot of manufacturers. I still used. Products from my stash along with the kits.

To me, it’s sort of like organizing. Everyone has ideas unique to how they think.
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Re: Scrapping: what's your process?

Post by Keitha »

pamcook wrote:...Did anyone else take a power layouts class from Creative Memories?). I’ll choose a background paper for each set and then similar to Shimelle’s page kits, I add ephemeral, memorabilia, tuckies, enamel dots, die cuts, whatever. One I feel like I’ve pulled out anything I planned to add, Ill think about stamps or titles. I used to stack them in a pizza box but a couple of years ago (the year Keitha joined us at the beach), I put them each into page protectors and then into an album and that worked really well. I liked how Shimelle tucked in washi tape rolls...
I never took any CM classes, but I'll occasionally pick a theme I know I have lots of photos for - zoo trips, or maybe a bunch of birthdays - and scrap a bunch of pages with the same theme for a period of time. Rather than make individual page kits I just pull out my themed paper file and embellishment drawer - kind of an insta-kit - and find most of what I need right there without having taken the time to pre-sort the supplies.
When I do make page kits rather than page protectors I use the gallon ziploc baggies, and because I don't want them taking too much space don't put in bulky things like washi rolls. But I could see the advantage of adding a piece of tape in with the kit, to remind me to use it.
It is definitely a process that is best personalized to how we organize and scrap.
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Re: Scrapping: what's your process?

Post by pamcook »

Washi tape - just thinking to just tear off a length and stick it on the outside of the page protector. I usually use small pieces anyway.

I keep all my Christmas in an Iris bin. The idea is that when it’s too full to close - time to use or purge. That’s the idea because right now I have two smallish zip lock bags crammed full.
Pam Cook #48

Re: Scrapping: what's your process?

Post by fuzzylover »

when I develop my pictures, which I try to do every 3 months, I group them together and put them in those plastic Sterilite bins with a piece of cardboard dividing the groups. I try to start with the oldest, but again, I scrap what I feel like doing at the moment.

When I sit down to scrap, I take my pictures and then think color. I find paper or some of my CS kits that have the color theme that I decided on. I love embellishments and I feel they have to fit the pictures. I use a homemade "scrap rack" for my embellies and they are divided by season and color, with separate full categories for "birthday" and "Christmas" I did buy "spinders" as they are called, but I used my own Velcro on a wood backer to hold them in place. So it's easy to match up embellies to layouts

I just scrap my pictures, so if I'm on a trip and one group of pictures is the beach and then we move inland and it's mountains, you'll see a blue theme for seashore or beach and then green for the mountains all in the same book. I don't worry about a color scheme going throughout a whole scrapbook. For that reason, even with my CS kits, you might see 2 or 4 pages from a kit and then the rest go back to be used at another time for another group of pictures.

That's my process, pretty simple
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Re: Scrapping: what's your process?

Post by jmp1022 »

no process really
start with photos , paper to go with colors in photos
I'm getting very few photos now that grands are bigger.
Jill P
# 42 in order PAO

Northeast Illinois
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