Document Life Project 2016 - The Un-planner

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Re: Document Life Project 2016 - The Un-planner

Post by jfugina »

Christy - that binder is super cool! Is that just an altered "normal" binder, like from an office store? If so, how do you get everything to stick?

I've got some old binders from work - stuff product manuals and certification guides came in, so they're plastic covered, and say IBM and Microsoft and CISCO and such all over them. I was thinking I'd make them pretty, but don't quite know where to start.
Julie Fugina
#26 in the order of the PAO

Re: Document Life Project 2016 - The Un-planner

Post by ChristyB »

It was a half chipboard/ half fabric binder.
I used bookbinding (pva) glue and glued the snot out of it. I reinforced parts of the spine with masking tape, washhi tape and more paper & glue.
I think part of the reason it worked so well (and trust me I was a bit surprised at how well it came out) was that my papers were on the thin side. Easy to manipulate, layer and really push into the grooves.

I think for regular binders that are slick just scuff them up a bit with sandpaper. Layer of Gesso or just using strong adhesive with paper and it should be ok.
I did one before taking a binder Steve got at a conference and turned it into something to hold takeout menues. Made it years ago and the paper is still going strong. Though now when I need a menu I just look online :roll:
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Re: Document Life Project 2016 - The Un-planner

Post by pbp908 »

If the binder you have is like the ones that I have, you can remove the vinyl to expose the cardboard (or whatever) underneath.
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO
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