Hosting and Participating In Swaps/Updated


Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by carriemck »

Ah, swaps. I also participated in a deco group and lost some works I was so proud of and excited about. It happens. But I think right know with all the up-in-the-air stuff with the "old site" and the "new site", there will be some confusion. I think I am a bit lost myself on a swap or two. I can't keep track of who is where right now. I have decided to just be here for now and only swap here.

The last swap I was in was wonderful. Ruth Ann made me the most amazing Marine Corps tin can shrine. It was my best swap yet!
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

awwww, carrie, i feel the love :happy94:
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Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by pbp908 »

Carrie McK! I'm so glad you're here! You're right - I've felt like I was spread all over, so this is home now.

I'm thinking maybe we should all weigh in as much as possible on this and then propose it to Luanne when she gets back. I think she and our generous founder should be the deciding vote. I'm all for keeping the fun in it, but I'm also for trying to find a fair solution.

Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by Sharonv »

What are we trying to decide? I thought it was just a discussion.

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by julierealtor »

I'm going to talk about this from a participant's point of view. I have never hosted a swap, but have participated in several. I agree, communication is the key. I think deadlines should be set in stone. If someone needs to drop from a swap and their participation is necessary, then they should be responsible to find a replacement...not the hostess. I agree, if someone is going to be late, they should have to mail individually. I believe basic courtesy is in order here on everyone's part. Yes, life does get in the way sometimes. But some people are just always late...and I'm sorry, but it's just rude. I haven't been involved in swapping much the last several weeks...way to busy, although I've missed a bunch I would like to have been involved in. I say there should be rules and we should stand on them. If a hostess would like to extend by a day or 2 fine. But if we have someone involved in a swap that isn't even communicating...give 'em the boot! LOL. All of this said...geez, I hope I'm not late on any of the upcoming swaps I've committed to.
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Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by pbp908 »

I'm sitting here reading this thinking "You DA, you started this thread and you'd better check your own swap list." Sharon - I think that what was going through my head and I didn't articulate was that if we all have a common feeling about what to do, then maybe we should see if we could make it an official policy for all swaps. The thoughts, that is, about how to handle late receipts and non-participants. That wouldn't restrict the hostesses but would let everyone know what's gonna happen if you're a flake. Then again, maybe that would feel too restrictive. I dunno. Just thinking. Maybe leave it up to the hostess? Somebody shoot me - I'm waffling worse than Congress.

Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO
Judi in IL

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by Judi in IL »

I have never hosted a swap, but I have participated in several-usually good, sometimes not so good. I sent one batch of swap items and never saw anything in return and never received any more communication from the hostess. Last fall I sent a batch of cards and the hostess posted on the group, not privately, that though she had received my package, it had been torn, there weren't enough cards and I hadn't sent any postage. She was very pointed about telling me that I needed to send her stamps and more cards if I wanted anything back. My package had contained more than enough cards and postage. It was not her responsibility to furnish lost postage, but I resented her tone and that she posted this rant publicly. I told her to pass out what she had and that she did not have to send me anything, but 2 days before the due date she posted that I hadn't sent the required cards like I was a flake. I will not swap with her again.
I agree that communication is key. I never received my third secret sister package last fall, but the sender had told the hostess she had sent it 3 weeks before the due date. as long as I knew it had been sent I wasn't upset (except at the PO), just disappointed.
I admit I am not the most organized person and have trouble remembering sometimes what I am supposed to send, to whom, and when. I need to develop a system for tracking. I do try very hard to keep up with my commitments and I appreciate it when the hostess posts a reminder of due dates and participants a week or so before the due date so I have time to get to the PO and they have time to send it to China first. :)
Ruth Ann Landry

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by Ruth Ann Landry »

I just posted something on the other board and it made me think to add it here: I think part of the problem with swaps (other than the occasional all out flakes that sign up and then disappear...and there really are very few of those people.) is the concept of a deadline (due date, whatever!) The English teacher in my high school says this about deadlines....."Deadlines are the ABSOLUTE LAST DATE that something can be turned in"'s not when something MUST be turned in (unless we are in a swap with a mass the tin can swap), but the latest date something SHOULD ARRIVE ON THE DOORSTEP OF THE HOSTESS! I think many people think they can wait until that very last day to mail their art....that means another week the hostess has to wait to get them....and then there is usually someone who mails one or two days after the last date...which holds things up further......look at the deadline as the date that the hostess should HAVE THE ART IN HER HANDS!..I'm far from perfect, but I always TRY to mail my things out so that the hostess will have them BY that date. (I'm guilty of getting dani's tags in late, but that was a family logistics problem where we were together, were gonna swap in person, and it was bungled so i had to mail at the last minute...I take responsibility for being one of the late ones in her swap and I will wait until she has received the additional swaps to finish it out.) For one, we need to readjust our thinking about what a deadline's the date that the hostess should have all completed work in HER HANDS! What do you think?

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by Neenahx3 »

I am new to this site but I assure you that I am not new to participating or hosting swaps. As a hostess I have worked frantically to make up the missing items to that others do not suffer the loss. It was a constant battle.

As a player, I, like alot of you, have gotten some really "not so good" work but I had to consider that some people just do not have the opportunity to gather as much "stuff" as others. You have to look at each item as what the item meant to the person who created it. So if it was colored with crayons, maybe that person loved working with crayons. I didn't like it much when I would get the much anticipated swap only to find that 3/4 of it were my own.

This is an age old problem so to speak. I participated in swaps with one group that I was a member of several years ago that had you sign up for swaps and then you were divided into groups which the hostess posted. Then you sent your swap items directly to the people who were in your group. Everyone's mailing address was posted in a members area. This worked out well and if you didn't get a swap, you sent a pm to the hostess so that they could track the "slackers". If you were going to be late in sending your swap to your partners, you sent them a pm also. It was a 3 strikes and your out policy.

I have a theory about signing up for swaps too. Only sign up for swaps that you have time to complete "right now". The due date may be in late Jan but you can start playing and get the swap complete well ahead of time. Get it in the mail and then determine if you have time in your life to participate in another. I certainly am not an authority on this issue but this is what works for me. I am half way thru a swap here that ends Jan 31.

So far I have found this group to be pleasant, organized and well stocked with talented artists. I am enjoying it thus far and am anxious to see everyone's creations. With the caring attitude of this group, I am sure that some reasonable resolution will transpire.

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by julierealtor »

Neenahx3 wrote: With the caring attitude of this group, I am sure that some reasonable resolution will transpire.
so very true...

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by n8tvtexan »

I too have sent out many items to never receive anything back. (such as the deco books on the yahoo group) I know some of my swaps made it to the hostesses because I've seen people post what they got & my work was in there. However, since the others havent made it, I dont want anyone else waiting for anything from me again. Recently, I finished several swaps and mailed them out at once. They all seem to be lost in transit somewhere. (including Holly's tin which I WILL be remaking & resending) I've learned that mail to and from here is unreliable so I wont be signing up for any more swaps. :( I will finish up the ones I've already signed up for then be done.

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by cnedaria »

Michelle, can you send delivery confirmation from Japan? I forget if you have an APO or not? It's only .65 extra from here, and I've never had anything go missing for long with delivery confirmation attached. I had some trouble a while back (and subsequently found out our mail station had one of those mail hoarders who didn't deliver but stacked everything in their garage)... BUT, once I started sending all swaps etc. delivery confirmation no problems. (WHY don't they ever seem to lose the JUNK MAIL, hmmm?)

It is amazing that the Post works as well as it does, and is as cheap as it is, really when you think about it--they deliver sooo much for less than 50 cents. It's still a bargain!

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by n8tvtexan »

hhmmm I'll have to check and see. I'm pretty sure they do. At least I hope they do. I just didnt think about it before. Yes, I have an APO addy. Our mail is handled by the USPS part of the journey and the military the other part. I am STILL waiting for my Sept 1 shipment from Club Scrap! I guess that box is long gone or being enjoyed by someone else. The envelope of goodies from Lisa to make her parents pages took over a month to arrive. A box from my mom made it in 7 days, counting weekends. See, its very unreliable. We just never know what to expect. I will try delivery confirmation and see what happens.

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by Holly »

Michelle as I've said-- please don't do that yet. I lived in Germany once- and I know the mail can be horribly slow sometimes, although it shouldn't be from an APO address. It is a different senario when a swap participant hasn't even mailed yet. In your case you did. Blame it on the holidays. As I said if it doesn't reach here in early January--then feel free to redo. But I'm waiting.... and that is not a negative on you. Just a fact.

I sent in my property tax money before Thanksgiving-- and it has apparently been lost in the mail. I could have walked to the building from here, approximately 5 miles. Why they have not received it yet I don't know. Blame it on the mail. So it happens.

Don't quit swapping because, once the holidays are over, things should get back to normal. And we like your work, and to quit on us is to punish us, for the mail problem.

Re: Hosting and Participating In Swaps

Post by n8tvtexan »

aaawww thanks Holly! I just dont want anyone to think of me as a flake.
I really hate for you to wait though. Since you keep insisting, I will but if the other one never makes it, I will make sure the new one is well worth it. Plus the new moon pics posted gave me more ideas for you. :D
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