How was the online Extra Extra event?


How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by Luanne »

Did you attend? Did you have fun? It looked fun.
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Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by Paula »

I bought the extra extra remix. Planned on attending. Bummed out on it :thumbdown: . Was just not my thing. I did the other on line events, but I guess I had a chip on my shoulder (who me?) I peeked in a couple of times, but have not watched the videos, and probably won't. I did print the instructions, so I can do it later. Too bad, I don't think I missed anything.

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Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by azemigh »

I attended. Absolutely love the live chat room and hope they get that up full time. I didn't even know you could have private chats in it until Theresa buzzed me and asked for my email for some fantastic surprise from Luanne! Little did I know just HOW fantastic! I mean WOW!

I used the original EE kit for it; trying to not buy extras right now. The live chat room lends itself so much better for the online events. And the videos are pretty cool to watch, especially if you're new to ALSB and want to see exactly what to do.

Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by Cathy »

I was in the chat room for about an hour. I didn't scrap at all because I was learning how to make an icon for my name and changing the color of my text! LOL
With the printed ALSB instructions - I'm good to go at my own pace when I have the time - I was 45 minutes late to the event because I had to work.

Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by tichwoli »

I had made the arrangements to be online and ended up having to go out for a meeting so did not even check in when I got home around 10 - I have not looked at the videos but will download the pdf later.

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Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by pamcook »

I liked having the videos there - I could work at my pace and stop when DH walked in to ask questions. The videos were a nice quick pace, too.
Pam Cook #48

Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by ESIDER »

I didn't buy the kit or anything but went to lurk and try to figure out some of the stuff with the chat board and the cinema since the community is still very confusing to me. I thought the live chat was fun and because the video was completely seperate you could pretty much do whatever you wanted, when you wanted. I liked the live chat because it reminded me of IM (but with a bunch of people at the same time) which I haven't done in years.
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Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by pbp908 »

The lag time on the chat drove me crazy, and when I tried to make the video large enough to see it the darned thing was so pixelated that I just shut it down. (I think it was the heavy load on the site.) And then I checked my email and the rest you already know about. LOL.

Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO

Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by donnak »

I had trouble getting into chat at first; got on my old desktop down in the studio and had no trouble after that. But I didn't stay long since I haven't bought the kit and will use substitute papers for the ALSB AND NCIS was on and I can't miss that show! :shock:

Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by ChrisR »

The chat room was opened up about 45 minutes beforehand. I hung around there and chatted quite a bit. Shortly after the first video was posted, I left the chat room and watched the videos. The videos aren't really meant to be watched as full screen. The memory it would take for a clear full screen image for video is astronomical. I never bothered with the pdf files. Mainly because I forgot that the laptop I am currently using (we have 4) doesn't have acrobat reader installed. The videos were awesome. I finished all 10 layouts in less than 2 hours. I loved being able to pause and rewind. I found the videos much easier to follow than the pdf files. May not be true for everyone though. I am a very visual learner, the more visual gimmicks the better, ;)

After I finished the layouts, I went back into the chat room. There were still about 50 in there. I think the chat room started to lag once it reached over 65. One reason why the room isn't open full time yet. Finally, there were like 5 of us left plus Mr Scott. At first he was politely asking us to leave so he could shut down the room. I finally told him that we were trying to see who could get the last word so to speak. We wanted to stay until the end, so just to shut 'er down when he had to. We wouldn't be offended by that. He had to have been shaking his head and chuckling at our slightly mischievousness, lol. All good fun!

Over all I enjoyed it. It'll probably be 3 to 4 months before the next online event from what Tricia said.
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Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by jfugina »

I was really hoping to check it out, but was having some computer glitches and two whiney children on top of that, so I never got there. At the first online ALSB event I saw (way back when - in the yahoo group) that this kind of thing was really more tailored for a live chat - because it was too easy for the posts to get delivered out of order. The forum was a way better setup, and I tried it, but ultimately, I'm either at the computer, or at another table. My computer desk isn't big enough to scrap at, and going back and forth between the two, regardless of the presentation method, wasn't something I could do. I tend to get involved in the layout, or get involved with the chat - no discipline to go back and forth.

I don't have the EE kit, but I'm always looking for new formulas, so I do intend to go and download the ALSB. I'm thinking I might even be able to do my own remix - I have a heck of a post-PSL stash to work through. :mrgreen:
Julie Fugina
#26 in the order of the PAO

Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by ChristyB »

jfugina wrote: . I'm thinking I might even be able to do my own remix - I have a heck of a post-PSL stash to work through. :mrgreen:
No kidding. I think if I didn't buy paper for a whole year I still wouldn't use it all up
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Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by jfugina »

Um.. Christy - I was able to say that *before* I even joined CS. :roll: I never got rid of any of that stuff, but I just didn't have a place to post the stuff I made with it, and I'm all about getting those validation posts when I post a layout. Now I'm thinking I'm going to dust off that stash, and mix it in with the CS, and be able to probably go for *2* years without buying any more paper... but you know the enablers will get us.. and we'll buy more anyway.
Julie Fugina
#26 in the order of the PAO

Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by ESIDER »

As to not hijack again... I did not buy the EE Remix kit because I swear I have a stack 2 - 3 inches thick of the original EE.

Christy, Julie... I have only been a member for a year and a half and I have enough paper to last me for like 20 years! I have been stockpiling CS paper this entire time and at last count, I think I have paper from over 100 different kits! Now keep in mind, it might not be the full kit but I have at least enough pieces from each to make a few LO's. I actually think this site may save me money! Well, all the enablers are here so maybe not. In the past two months, I have cut my CS membership in half. I dropped both Jr and Stamp. I also can't get past the new shipping prices on orders not included with kit. They are sooooo expensive now. Especially if you only order a few dollars worth of stuff.

Now the other papers... I've pretty much finally gotten rid of all that. I have a few of those specialty pads left but that is it. I gave it all away last month while trying to organize my mess. By the way, everything is still a mess and I suspect will be until the basement is finished being remodeled.

Re: How was the online Extra Extra event?

Post by ChrisR »

It's why I went on a major paper buying freeze. I have been member of CS for 7 years, plus I have 8 cropper hoppers full of paper from other companies. Until I can get to more crops (I rarely paper craft at home), virtually no more paper shopping for me.
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