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Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:14 am
by mpizzazz
Here are the instructions for the card bases I made and a photo of the finished cards. I used darker colors to make masculine cards. Besides the 9 sheets of 8 1/2 x 11" paper, I used one 12 x 12" print with all the swirls. I had a few pieces leftover so I cut an extra two card bases. So out of 10 sheets of paper, I got 14 basic cards.
Sorry but I do not remember where I got these instructions to give credit.
Easy Card Workshop
Easy Card Workshop
Easy Card Workshopweb.jpg (88.29 KiB) Viewed 1829 times

IMG_0624.JPG (122.39 KiB) Viewed 1829 times

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:31 am
by djenns
Thanks for sharing this. I've seen the one sheet wonder from SCS and Nathalia's page but I think this looks best. I'm wanting to make up some card sets for gifts and this came at a great time.


Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:38 am
by julierealtor
Thanks Marianne...this will def be useful.

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:47 am
by LynnMath
mpizzazz wrote:Here are the instructions for the card bases I made and a photo of the finished cards. ... Sorry but I do not remember where I got these instructions to give credit.
Hi, Marianne -- Thanks for posting the directions! It was driving me crazy, seeing how familiar your description sounded, but I couldn't place exactly where I'd seen it before... Then when I saw your directions, it came back to me!

It was at the Club Scrap Retreat in 2006 that Karen held an optional evening workshop called Easy Greetings Workshop, with directions that looked exactly like what you showed.

In early 2008, I asked for the directions file from HQ, which they did provide. I then edited them a bit for my own use in holding FFC workshops:
Lynn's Easy Greeting Workshop
Lynn's Easy Greeting Workshop
EasyGreetingsWorkshop.jpg (116.13 KiB) Viewed 1822 times
Did you happen to attend the Retreat in 2006? It was in Neenah...

Thanks again for bringing it up... it's a great way to quickly whip up a number of cards!

Also, they might have used this workshop as one in the Rolling Retreats held locally...

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:08 pm
by mpizzazz
Thanks so much, Lynn, for solving the mystery. I don't remember doing it at a Rolling Retreat but we may have. The only Main Retreat I went to was in 2008.

So many times, instructions concentrate on what to put on the card but not on making the base cards and panels to get started. This is especially a great aid for newbies or anyone in a hurry to get to the fun part-decorating the fronts.

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 6:11 pm
by djenns
Lynn, I wasn't at retreat, but that is the diagram for the Ace of Hearts.....using 3 sheets of 8.5 x 11 and makes 4 cards..........

so 9 sheets would make 12 cards......I knew your diagrams looked I know what I'm going to use to make some gifts sets.....
This is a great bunch :)

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 6:20 pm
by julierealtor
Wow Diana...very observant of you...

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:09 pm
by Paula
Oh great, more stuff on my to do list :greenbounce: These look awesome, I just have to do some :mrgreen:

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:42 pm
by djenns
julierealtor wrote:Wow Diana...very observant of you...
Julie - I bought one of the Idea Cards for Cards and have been through it dozens of times and that particular card was used a lot by others in psl.......I'm going to play with it now :)


Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:59 pm
by troublesmom
Thanks Marianne and Lynn! I am in hopes that I can try these soon.

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 11:28 am
by pamcook
That looks like a great project to do this week.
Great thing to have on hand for hostess gifts.
If I could get the laundry done and close this computer, I have several projects to keep me busy the rest of the day!

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:18 pm
by jfugina
Maryanne and Lynn - thank you both for posting this. I agree that just having a quick set of bases and panels goes a long way towards a fantastic gift set. In Marianne's finished examples, it dawned on me that I should gather up all of my leftover GTG tags and use them on these easy bases. It's a great way to use up those leftovers - especially if you still happened to have some 8.5x11 cardstock from that same kit. :-)

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:39 pm
by mpizzazz
Most of my bases were from Apothecary and Private Eye, two kits I haven't used much and don't much care for. Then I chose the print paper since it had the greens, grey, rust and brown and the white to spark it up a bit. Then I chose the little greetings because they went with the colors. They mostly came from Sparkle and Haberdashery. As long as the colors go, don't worry about having the original papers. Use your print paper to tie it all together.

By the way, I store all those leftover greetings from GTG sets in a 4 x 6" pocket photo album. I cut them apart and put them in pockets with all the 'thank yous' together, 'thinking of yous' together, 'get wells' together, birthdays, etc. Then you can go through and pull them out and find something the right color.

Then if you make the box from the Body and Soul scrap rap, you have a really nice set of cards for a gift.

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:49 pm
by jfugina
I think I threw all of my GTG leftovers in with the embellishment pack leftovers for each kit, and I need to dig all of those out again. I like your idea of grouping them by sentiment in a 4x6 album. That would come in very handy!

Re: Easy Card Base Workshop

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:56 pm
by LynnMath
mpizzazz wrote:... By the way, I store all those leftover greetings from GTG sets in a 4 x 6" pocket photo album. I cut them apart and put them in pockets with all the 'thank yous' together, 'thinking of yous' together, 'get wells' together, birthdays, etc. Then you can go through and pull them out and find something the right color.
Excellent idea, Marianne! I was at Big Lots yesterday checking out the Cricut cartridges & Cuttlebug folders there (minimal), and came across a package of 2 of those 4 x 6 albums... I didn't know why, but I just KNEW I should get them, so I spent the $4.00. Now I know why!!! Thanks for that idea!!