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It's the weekend!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:32 pm
by pamcook
Sheesh - 4 days to accomplish 5 day's worth of work - what a week.

Joel and I are driving to TN tonight. My youngest brother is getting married again. Going to be one of those excessively emotional weekends. His mom was my step mom for about 12 years. We haven't seen each other since 1987. Her son (my step brother) will be there. Haven't seen him since 1981. My dad is becoming very demented - too much moonshine and too many head injuries from falling down drunk. Sigh. :anyone: I have a sneaking suspicion (sp?) that new sister-in-law thinks Dad needs to move to NC with me. Um - no. I love him but no.

So thankful for Joel. He's my rock and won't leave my side all weekend. It's going to take at least 7 hours to get there (couldn't leave today because co-worker is in Ohio - stop me if you've heard that one before!) so we'll not see them until tomorrow morning when I'll plaster on a smile and do all I can to keep it together until we're on the road Sunday back to NC.

Say a prayer (or 10 or 20)for me. Will probably check in over the weekend (assuming there's internet! :lol: )

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 7:52 pm
by pat-czap
:lol: Pam. Hang in there and go with the flow. I hope the weekend is not too stressful for you and Joel.
Safe travels.

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:12 pm
by paddlegal
Wow sorry you have to go through this. Glad you have Joel to be by your side. Do you really have to go to this? Sheesh, families. Deep breath and you'll be headed back home before you know it.

Saturday is Open Trail Day on The Bufferlands so I'll be wearing my docent hat ('s a cool hat they gave us) making sure no one is passing out from the heat and talking up the birds in the area. My shift begins at 6:30 am. We are in for some heat so I am glad I'll be there during the coolest time. Sunday...resting and maybe some crafting.

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 11:12 pm
by nancine
Oh man oh man Pam!
Glad you have Joel to lean on.
May your weekend pass quickly and with little drama.

We are having a dinner "party" for my son tomorrow night.
Just us and his girlfriend Sabrina.
He's going to be 29 this year... OMG, how did THAT happen???

Here's his birthday card.
We like our craft beers around here.....

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:14 am
by katymjo
What a fun card, Nancy. We like our craft beers too :P

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 7:57 am
by paddlegal
Oh fantastic card Nancy!

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:47 am
by azemigh
You're all probably wondering where I've been. Well, I committed to sharing a booth at the Reedsport Market this summer and yesterday was our opening day. So, I've been preparing for the last month and haven't had a minute for anything else. I'm selling those lovely jump ring bracelets Farley shared with us, cell phone charms, mason bee houses, garden fairies, cards, suncatchers and ear cuffs. And really, anything else I can think of that's hanging around my studio. My friend, Becky and I are sharing the space and we're going to do it every other Friday until September 29th. We had a great opening day and hope it just gets better throughout the summer. I'll have to take pictures later in the day next time. We've got the full morning sun at the start and the pics are a bit washed out.

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 6:46 pm
by nancine
Wow that's really great Rachelle, your items should be big sellers! What a neat thing to do.

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:34 pm
by pamcook
Great card & crafts!

We're exhausted but what a great day! Yes, I'm serious. We had a really good time. Sort of dreading the trip home but the scenery along I40 is really beautiful. Thanks everyone for all the support.

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:56 am
by mpizzazz
That's a really ambitious project, Rachelle! I hope you and your friend have a very profitable Summer, good luck!

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:06 am
by paddlegal
Oh my goodness Rachelle! Wonderful looking things to buy. I wish you great success for the summer. Keep us posted on how you're doing.

Pam so happy to hear everything went well and I hope your drive home is an easy one.

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:11 am
by Keitha
Pam, so glad to hear your day ended up better than expected.
Great card Nancy; I'm sure your son will love it.
Awesome projects, Rachelle. I can only imagine how much time you've put into those crafts and hope you do really well at the market.

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:21 am
by Trixie
Pam, I am glad the wedding went well. I hope you have a safe trip home. Rachelle, I had never heard of mason bee houses. I had to look it up. Interesting! Good luck with your venture.

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:36 am
by azemigh
Thanks everyone! We had a very good opening day, considering, school is still in session and our customers were all local. We did see a few RVs heading for the coast though, so we should start to see tourists outnumbering locals soon. Our next day is the Friday before Father's day and they have a big chainsaw carving festival that week end. Hoping the Bee Houses will be a good seller that day and trying to come up with a good "bee" Father's Day card to go with them. I had no idea the cards were going to be such a good seller. I sold 15 this time and have come up with a better display for them so you can leaf through them easier. I'll take more pics and keep you all posted on how things are going.

Re: It's the weekend!

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:19 pm
by pamcook
Literally driving through the New Found Mountains.
IMG_2421.JPG (132.4 KiB) Viewed 733 times
My former step-mom's husband is ridiculously talented. Says the ideas just "comes". This is one of his favorite pieces. One solid piece of wood.
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