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Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:26 pm
by nchoney
The current path forecasts do not look good. It looks like it's going to head up the Pamlico Sound to the west of us... like Irene did... but as a Cat 2 instead of her Cat 1 level. Mike has now suggested that I rent a van... pack it with things I don't want to lose... and head west with Chevie. I'm not thrilled with any of that idea... and my meltdown is officially beginning. I'll be keeping you posted as we make final decisions. I just don't even know how to wrap my head around all this... and currently am amazingly resentful of the Fire Department and the suck it has to pull families apart even though it isn't even a paying job. All I know is... the county better deploy assistance after this storm.... or they'll be hearing from me about how much they abuse people who volunteer. ok... rant over... for right now.... before I turn into a blubbering idiot at work.

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:42 pm
by Debbie J
Oh no!! Keeping you in my prayers, so sorry about all the stress involved. Come stay with me!!

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:35 pm
by pamcook
Where are you going? Is his mom escaping as well? Please listen to him as much as you don't want to. Please be safe.

I was sort of joking about trees falling on my house but nothing will surprise me. Fran went right over our house whatever year that was and so many trees fell. We didn't have power for a week.
Ugh. I don't like this at all. Not one bit.

Good thing I'm working alone this week. I have that powerless, irrational anger. Poor Joel. I was so angry with him yesterday because he wouldn't drop what he was doing to go buy batteries. I dropped what I was doing and left to buy them (they were on sale at Kroger so, go me! right?). Bad thing - we no longer have a gas grill. Gas grills are worth their weight in gold when you have no power for a week.

Power cords to recharge phones in the car - check.
Full gas tanks in the cars - check.
Batteries - check.
Flashlights are working and where I can find them - check.
Plenty of cat food, cat litter & water - check.
Laundry & dishes are caught up - check.
First aid kit - check.
Stock up on scrapbook adhesive - check.
Cash on hand - check.
Bleach, paper towels, baby wipes, TP, & dry shampoo - check.

Still to do -
use up more of the food in the freezer - it makes me sad to throw away food when the power goes out for a week
get a gas grill
pull out the cast iron skillets/pots to use on the gas grill
make sure we have tarps in case of holes in the house
buy drinking water for the neighbors (elderly and debilitated)
store away outdoor furniture

Debi - tell Mike to please, please be careful. :happy94:

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:25 pm
by nchoney
I've been researching a bit.... I can rent a cargo van .... so then we could put Chevie's crate in it and she could curl up in there with no windows to look out of and be freaking out as every car passes by... so that might work. Then I can fill it with the scrapbooks and photos and go from there. We have friends whose daughter is a vet out in Albemarle, NC... so I could board Chevie there and get a room nearby. Long ways to travel... but when your dog is bonkers... and big... you have to work around things. LOL

I'm thinking Raleigh might not be far enough west... because of the wind and trees.... so Albemarle won't be that much farther... especially if it saves me the kennel costs... and it'd be someone I'd trust to take care of Chevie, too.

Global warming doesn't cause shifts in weather patterns or more severe weather patterns my ass.

BTW... I'm probably going to freak out even more before this is all said and done. I haven't left because of a storm since 1971.

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:31 pm
by pamcook
I think you're right. Albemarle is probably going to fare better than us here in the Triangle.

You're doing the smart thing. It might look like freaking out to other people but to me, the freak-out thing to do would be to do nothing and pretend like it's going to magically disappear. When Fran came through, we did nothing to prepare. We were new to this hurricane thing - never dreamed it could affect us so dramatically this far inland. With the saturated ground all over most of the state and those 100 mph winds...You can't pay first responders and the power people enough money in my opinion.

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:58 pm
by pat-czap
:happy94: Hugs to you and Mike. Stay safe, as best you can.

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:47 pm
by clamscrapper
So from hour to hour it seems like the path changes. Either house is in the middle of the cone depending on the model. Right now Raleigh on western edge and Morehead is bulleye. Right now I'm in the western part of the state. My MIL had a possible stroke and definite seizure yesterday and is in ICU. BIL finally released from hospital and back here. We almost lost her this morning. It's been a roller coaster two days. So stressed about her and now the storm. I was with her when it happened. Freaked me out! I hope she stabilizes and I can go home tomorrow. At least my husband got here today. Would appreciate prayers.

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:51 pm
by pamcook

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:58 pm
by paddlegal
Carol you have my prayers and good thoughts for health issues to calm down and you all are safe.

Debi, get going. Don't be safe please. I like the sound of you and Chevie getting a van and heading out of town. Let that vet friend help you out. Deeeeeep breath, deep breath, deep breath. You can do this.

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:14 pm
by pbp908
I keep checking for updates and projections, and it looks like everything is still pretty much up in the air. (No pun intended.) I've given Adam instructions about the outside of the house to do tomorrow, and George a shopping list. We cook with gas, so that's no problem. Water could be, so gallons and gallons to store up and a tub full for flushing. I keep thinking about that darned generator sitting outside that I've reminded George a hundred times to have serviced. Too late now - we'd never get it back in time. It will get taken care of before snow season. Just one of the things on my "retirement to-do" list.

Debi, head out, if only to give your husband peace of mind about you and Chevie. Pack what you don't want to lose. Prepare for the worst but pray for the best. That's the only advice I can give you - that and my prayers for everyone threatened by this storm. :happy94:

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:48 pm
by Monica
Hugs and prayers for you all in the path of this monster. I'm thankful for the West Coast every time a hurricane approaches you all. Sure you don't want to move to this side of the Mississippi? ;)

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:22 pm
by nancine
Debi - be safe that's most important! Prayers for you and Mike!
Carol, I'll be thinking of you and sending prayers for improved health and please be safe too!

You are right Monica about the west coast. At least they have the opportunity to prepare, earthquakes strike with no warning. Ofcourse we try to be prepared (water, food etc) but it's easy to put it out of your mind. My friend just returned today from a road trip to Charleston, I'll have to check with her about how her boyfriend's Mom is doing.

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:55 pm
by azemigh
Hugs to all in Matthew's path :happy94: Stay safe!

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:04 pm
by mpizzazz
Debi, please, we know you don't want to do it but if you and Chevie are safe elsewhere, it's less for Mike to worry about and he can concentrate on the job that needs doing. And, I'm with you about the rant, it's long overdue but not just yet. What about Peggy?

Re: Hurricane Matthew

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:41 am
by pugmom
Hugs and prayers for all of you east coasters. Batten down the hatches and get outta Dodge while you can. Stay safe.