Renewal... and pondering

Notes to and from the paowers that be
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Renewal... and pondering

Post by jfugina »

Hey everyone! Long time no chat. Sorry I haven't been around much. I haven't made a card, scrapbook page, or sewn anything or done anything else crafty in MONTHS. Staying on top of our day-to-day schedules has been about all my family can handle right now.

Not being here has made me sad. I have been wanting to come back, but to be brutally honest, when I'm home from work, and all of the running is done, the very last thing in the world that I want to do is look at a computer, and reading this forum on a phone or tablet isn't ideal, and responding is even tougher. So it's made me start to wonder....

Please don't throw tomatoes at your screen or start screaming at me... this is just a thought....

How would everyone feel about migrating this forum to a private facebook group? I've already paid the renewal for this year, so there's no urgent drivers for this - we're not losing this forum or anything. I said a long time ago that I'd keep the site up as long as there were people who wanted it here. However, I have not been a good steward of this site for YEARS now. Other than keeping the domain alive, I haven't approved more than one or two new people, and I haven't been good about keeping the site maintained/upgraded (again, computers and free time don't mix lately).

Back when this site began, and even for several years following, Facebook wasn't nearly private enough, and there weren't the kinds of security measures needed to keep non-members from posting. But I'm a member of several private FB groups, and I've found that it's a great way to keep up with things. Here are the things that have been running through my mind about the idea of migrating:

1. I think that most folks here are also on FB, and post there somewhat regularly. So I don't think this would require people to sign up for a new site they aren't already on.
2. (this one is personal) Taking photos of layouts with a smart phone and posting them directly to FB would enable me to post my creations with far less hassle. Posting here requires transfers of photos, and re-sizing, and it's generally not something I bother spending time doing.
3. It's free
4. We can pass admin duties around to whoever has the time/energy. I've never admin'd a closed group on FB before, but at a minimum, the admin would need to approve new people into the group. I think a closed FB site can have multiple admins.

1. No categories for threads. So people who tend to gravitate directly to card making threads would lose that ability.
2. No ability (that I've figured out yet) to host a private address list for the card clubs. On FB, that could be done with a file, but I don't think the access can be restricted any further than the group. On this site, we've added a layer of security so that google bot can't find your addresses. And, people who aren't a member of the card club can't see them either. A FB group would keep them protected from the outside world, but once someone was part of the closed group, that information would be available to them.
3. Would require FB sign-up for anyone here who isn't already on FB.
4. Ads.

I'm sure there's more... but that's all I can come up with for now. If the response is an overwhelming "NO!!!!!", then I'll drop it. I know this is home for so many people. But I think I need to find someone to take it over, if possible. Nicole is in 8th grade, and we're already 1/4 of the way through the school year. Next year she starts High School, with (hopefully) marching band, and Jake will hit HS the minute Nicole leaves it. So I just don't see my life getting any less chaotic over the next decade. And I want this community to stay alive, and I'd love to see it grow. But my ability to be a proactive admin on this site is non-existent. Either by migrating this group to FB, or by getting another Admin, I think this community could grow again. But it won't grow or evolve much under my care, I'm afraid.

Again, I'm NOT letting this site go away as long as there is even one person who wants it to stay alive. I'm just throwing out an idea, to get feedback on whether it would ultimately help or harm our PAO family.

Thanks for reading.
Julie Fugina
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by nchoney »

My thoughts on moving to Facebook....

I wouldn't be able to check in during the day (at work) and post things since other work folks are also on Facebook and FBing during work hours is frowned upon.

The lack of conversation threads keeps me from being very active in the Scrap Gals FB community, now... I can't keep up since I'm not in there checking FB all the time...

There would also be a lack of history of things we've posted in the past (I've recently looked back at the posts about the Secret Sister swap... it's easy to find things that are still part of this forum)

So.... let some more of us know what else we can do to help. If you'd like some help with expenses, I'm willing to help and I'm sure some others would, as well.
Debi Daugherty
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by jfugina »

Thanks so much for the feedback. You make a lot of good points. You mention not being able to look at FB at work - our organization obviously frowns upon spending time on social media during work hours as well, but if they saw me here, they'd consider it to be exactly the same thing. Which is why most of my check-ins during the work day (if at all) are on my phone. And this site is really tough to navigate on my phone.

Perhaps if someone could take on the project of making this site more mobile friendly, I'd be able to be more active (personally). There's probably something out there that can be done - I just don't have the time to do the research, or the implementation. I've tried posting photos here directly from my phone, but I've never gotten it to work.
Julie Fugina
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by pamcook »

I hate to think the site is a burden. Either way, I'll be here. I do love the forum even if I hate how I have to log in every.single.time - and YES I KNOW IT'S NOT THE FORUM'S FAULT. :tomato:

So, I vote to keep the forum but like I said, I'd be here or in a private facebook group.

If I had any computer skills, I'd offer to take over the responsibilities. I would be at the bottom of that list.

ETA - I realize there would be no "threads" but I don't search through threads anyway - I always "view active topic". We would have the opton for "albums" and could maybe use them in some way? We could share addresses via Messenger, email, or texting. Not as efficient as having them in a central location, obviously.
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by nchoney »

Pam... I usually log in using Firefox and it's really good about saving passwords for various logins. My Kindle Fire also saves the password.
Debi Daugherty
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by jfugina »

Pam - addressing concerns like the forum not remembering your password, or users not receiving message notifications like they should are exactly the kind of thing that I'm *not* doing right now, that a good admin *would* do. It's not a burden, because I'm just not doing what needs to be done. :oops:

This forum has the potential to be much more, and I've even given that a shot a few times, but then life gets in the way and I'm not able to keep up with it. We can certainly keep things status quo, but it means no support. I'm embarrassed to say that it's a contributing factor to why I've stayed away. I keep worrying that when I log in, I'll see notices about stuff not working, and then figure I should be dealing with that stuff rather than being a participant. Being a participant when there are forum complaints makes me feel guilty. So it's an ignorance is bliss kind of thing....

I'll go along with whatever the group decides. Hopefully someone can jump in and make this thing better (starting with being more mobile friendly so I don't have to jump through hoops to post a picture). Like I said, I'm on board with whatever the group decides, as long as the group doesn't decide that I need to spend more time being an admin. Not happening. ;)
Julie Fugina
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by pamcook »

nchoney wrote:Pam... I usually log in using Firefox and it's really good about saving passwords for various logins. My Kindle Fire also saves the password.
Yeah - no matter what I use now, the passwords aren't saved. It's my devices or servers or bad luck. I wish I hadn't mentioned it because it always causes a firestorm of complaints! :lol:
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by pamcook »

Oh - and speaking of free...I propose that we all send Julie some cash-ola to help pay for the renewal. We've done it in the past and I simply forget about it.

Julie, do you have paypal?

And if I could guilt you into being able to be here more, I would. :lol: I completely get it - and I'm sure everyone else does as well. You're in a different season of your life. Period. I'd much rather be too busy with my family to spend as much time as I do on forums.
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by jfugina »

:happy94: Thanks Pam. Don't worry about the money. It's not a big deal, and this year is done anyway.

It's ironic how you mention the different seasons of life and how you'd rather be where I am now. I'm in exactly the OPPOSITE boat! I know I shouldn't, but I'm already counting the days until Nicole can drive a car, and then when I can be an empty nester! Given that I'm going to have to work until I retire, that's not a place where I'll ever get any time back. So my time after work and on weekends is what I look forward to having again. I had lots of time when they were little, but now even staying on top of them to do homework, and practice music, and then getting everyone from place to place - it's all-consuming. And Rob and I are both neck deep in scouting. I'm actually taking my girls to San Fransisco next summer! I'm not sure if our troop will continue once they hit high school, so we've had this plan to travel after the 8th grade in the works for a while, just in case it's our last hurrah.

On the up side, work has finally started to stabilize again - it was bad there for a while. I mean, like, really really bad, man. Like, screw my kids' free college and look for another job bad. But it turns out that I'm not all that marketable, given the "jack of all trades" crap that have been the last 10 years of my life. So I'm stuck, and now we're kind of on the other side of the dark ages of my IT department. We have new management, a couple of whom are even women with families. So when I say "I'm not working 60 hours a week", rather than tell me I have no choice, they instead say "of course not - we've got the mom job after 5". So the IT work waits until I can get it done. That's a totally new concept around here.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. In the coming months, I hope to "come back" here and chat. I miss everyone. But I doubt I'll be back in the craft room anytime soon. We've got a huge (for us) home improvement project in the works, and I hate having our house in a state of "under construction" and our living room has been that way since February. Tomorrow our cabinets come in for the library wall (RTA, but custom sized and designed). I'm thrilled to say that my scrapbooking was a major factor in the design, because my "library" will have bookshelves that are 17" deep, and not a single one of my scrapbooks will have to hang off the edge. So those of you on FB will hopefully see my new scrapbook library before the end of the year.

OK, time to go for real now. I've got two interviews in an hour for a new developer, and I've got to review the resumes.
Julie Fugina
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by pat-czap »

OK Julie , you can relinquish the one was even going there!

You've been on my mind, thanks for checking in.

I don't know how 2 parents can work full time, and have kids that need to be here, there and every where. I never worked full time when my kids were young. My hats off to you trying to make it all work out.

I wish I had better computer skills, as I would take over for you. Is it a difficult job to execute?

Anyway, I'd prefer to stay here, and not migrate to FB.
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by azemigh »

Nice to see you on, Julie, even if it's just an update. I certainly remember those teenage years when I didn't think it could get any busier and then someone would come home and say, "oh, I forgot to tell you....." and there goes another week end.

As far as the forum goes, I would prefer to stay here, but I will land wherever the "family" lands. I am willing to help out as much as I can with the administrative duties, but I have no clue as to what needs to be done or how often. Someone would need to point me in the right direction. Your generosity in providing this home for us is truly the most wonderful thing in my online world. Thank you so much for continuing it even though you can't join us very often. You will get that time back sooner than you think.
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by paddlegal »

First off Julie thank you for everything you do for us and this forum. I completely understand where you are in your life and the ages of your kids is a very demanding time. BTDT...and that was with only one kid. Being selfish I would be sad to see this forum go the FB route. I belong to a bunch of private FB groups (mostly bird related:) and the one problem I have with it is trying to refind a photo or comment that has gone by a day or two not to mention a month. It all gets lost in time. I think FB would be awkward for all our monthly challenges and conversations that we enjoy and would totally alter the way we spend time together. If FB is the only way to keep us going then of course I would make every effort to stay in touch that way. It just wouldn't be the most desirable to me.

I am in Pam's boat in so far as being low-tech and being of much help managing this site. If there was a way to split up duties perhaps that is an option?

I will mention that when it comes to posting photos here I prefer using my android phone. It's far easier to take the photos, resize and post here than on my computer! I use a resize app that works great for me.
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by jfugina »

Thanks everyone for all of the feedback! I really do appreciate it. Every so often I'll pop in and see those "where is everyone?" kinds of posts, and it breaks my heart because I know I'm not helping keep the site active/updated/with the times.

It seems like this is the place to be for you guys, and I can truly appreciate that, and I also really like knowing that you all have that BTDT kind of experience and aren't making me feel guilty about not keeping up with this site due to spending time with family.

Debi has generously volunteered her services as admin :cool5: , and might even be able to address some of the improvements needed and questions/issues that some of you are having. So maybe in the coming weeks she and I can start to work together to get her introduced to the administrative part of the site. Aside from getting to the point where I can post pictures here from my phone, I think it would also be great to let people register without admin approval again. Of course, in the past when we've done that, the mods and I spent more time getting rid of trolls and spammers than anyone wanted to, hence the reason it's a closed site. Maybe some of the recent upgrades to the software had made that better... maybe not. But that's exactly the kind of experimentation I don't have time for right now.

So I think a big thank you to Debi is in order for volunteering to help me out with some of this stuff! The way I see it, no matter what she does, she can't possibly do any less for y'all than I've done in the past 2-3 years! :lol: So anything she wants to help out with will be welcomed with open arms!
Julie Fugina
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Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by pbp908 »

While I haven't worked on the tech end of things since not long after Windows 98, I'll help when I can and where I can. Retirement is looming so I can definitely keep an eye on the trolls and spammers. I also try to check in at least once a day at work - but somedays the bear gets me instead of the other way around.

Never would lay a guilt trip on you - having had 2 only children (17 years apart qualifies them both as "only") who were active in time consuming activities while I worked full time, I completely understand. Pop in when you can and enjoy this time with the kids.
Pam P.
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Debbie J

Re: Renewal... and pondering

Post by Debbie J »

Looks like the issue has been resolved due to Debi stepping up! A big shout out to Julie for the past years and Debi for taking the reigns! I'm good whatever everyone decides and can help with my limited skills wherever needed!

Thanks girls, you rock! :happywave: :happywave: :cool5: :cool5:
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