feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Please stop here and introduce yourself!
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Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by Monica »

I'm just so glad to have a familiar place to come chat, share, swap and have fun with you all! No guilt here... I was mainly a lurker on the chat forum and will be in the community as well. Too many things going on in my life right now to stress over this, so I'm moving on and counting my blessings..... I'm thankful for all of YOU!!!



BTW.... Luanne, I still need that spell-check option for posts.... if at all possible? please??
No. 28 in the Order of PAO
Chief Bearer of the Torch and Admin

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by flojo »

I too agree that our secret admin is someone who is very close to CS and very computer savvy. That is why it's a secret. That's my opinion and I could be very wrong.
I love CS and will continue to buy their products in GHM. I love the cinema and all the videos and tutorials. The main thing that bugged me was that you can't click a button to get to the last post you read. What if it has six pages, I don't know where I left off and don't have time to try to figure it out.

I don't have a speed issue at all. It worked just fine for me as far as speed goes. As for blogs, well I'm not savvy enough to figure those out.

I tried to join Facebook but it doesn't recognize my e-mail provider. I do not want to create a new one such as hotmail or gmail. My computer uses Vista now and it does not like gmail at all. It won't even let me send an e-mail to someone with gmail. I want to keep my same email account like it is.

Well anyway, that's my view, and I still love CS, and yes, I'm going on the cruise. And, if there is no September retreat in 2009, I will be going on the cruise with Tim Holtz to Mexico. Whoohoo.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by Malleybean »

Monica wrote:BTW.... Luanne, I still need that spell-check option for posts.... if at all possible? please??
When I'm posting/replying, words that are spelled wrong are underlined in red. To correct, you just right-click on the word and select the one you want to replace it with. If it's a name (like my computer doesn't think Luanne is a word lol), just select add to dictionary when you right-click.

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by Malleybean »

flojo wrote:I tried to join Facebook but it doesn't recognize my e-mail provider. I do not want to create a new one such as hotmail or gmail. My computer uses Vista now and it does not like gmail at all. It won't even let me send an e-mail to someone with gmail. I want to keep my same email account like it is.
Lynn, I have Vista and it lets me use gmail. I did end up downloading and installing Windows Live Mail which I love. I added all my blogs to it and now I can read e-mails and blogs all in one place. I have a couple gmail addys myself and send to many others who use gmail and haven't had a problem. You have RR right? When I used to have that, I found that some sites would recognize it as valid, I'm guessing since it has two dots after the @ instead of the usual one.

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by n8tvtexan »

I have Vista and gmail and its works fine. Then again, I check my gmail on their website. Maybe that makes a difference.

For spell check, I use iespell. Its a program hubby downloaded to our computers. It checks spelling in any forum type box. Very helpful. :)

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by bethrich »

I use Firefox as my browser and it has a built-in spell checker. I luv it!
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Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by EDelValle »

Thanks for the tip on
IE Spell, didn't know anything
about it before, and it works just fine.
Be Yourself, Everyone else is taken


Elizabeth in Brooklyn

Re: feeling guilty - NOT ANYMORE!!!!

Post by flojo »

Malleybean wrote:
flojo wrote:I tried to join Facebook but it doesn't recognize my e-mail provider. I do not want to create a new one such as hotmail or gmail. My computer uses Vista now and it does not like gmail at all. It won't even let me send an e-mail to someone with gmail. I want to keep my same email account like it is.
Lynn, I have Vista and it lets me use gmail. I did end up downloading and installing Windows Live Mail which I love. I added all my blogs to it and now I can read e-mails and blogs all in one place. I have a couple gmail addys myself and send to many others who use gmail and haven't had a problem. You have RR right? When I used to have that, I found that some sites would recognize it as valid, I'm guessing since it has two dots after the @ instead of the usual one.
Oh, so it's probably RR that's the culprit. I guess I just blame every burp on Vista.LOL Thanks for the info, I'll do some checking on that.
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