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Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:05 pm
by jmp1022
Julie, I hope you are getting better.

Watch that medical cannabis. My son-in-law was on it for a month and lost
30 some pounds. but the worse thing he walked around in dream mode all the time.

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:52 pm
by jfugina
jmp1022 wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:05 pm Julie, I hope you are getting better.

Watch that medical cannabis. My son-in-law was on it for a month and lost
30 some pounds. but the worse thing he walked around in dream mode all the time.
I've been enquiring with a friend who works in a local dispensary, and she said that I can't even be admitted into her store without my medical marijuana card, and I don't have one of those. Apparently that's about a 3 week long process in Missouri, so it doesn't seem like that's going to be much of an immediate help. But I do think I'll go ahead and apply for the card so that I have it in the future.

I have zero desire to be in a dream state. If I can't find something that helps with the pain that doesn't also "alter" me, then all bets are off. But I get the impression that there are plenty of products that don't have the mood altering affect, but are still great alternatives to pain management.

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:00 pm
by jfugina
So my post-op appointment went well. The doctor said I seem to be healing according to plan. The major bummer news is that even though my jaw didn't actually break, I still can't chew anything for 5 more weeks. So I'm stuck with soft foods for quite a while. Rob and I are going to need to put some more thought into things we can cook at home, because I can't do 5 more weeks like this past week. He'd go out and get himself some take-out, and I'd eat yogurt, or cottage cheese, or scrambled eggs. We need to figure out something we can do for meals that we can eat together, at least partially.

I'm already dreaming of the day when I can eat a chicken ceasar salad, or a slice of pizza again.

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:34 pm
by EDelValle
How about using a food processor
or blender for your portion of what's
for dinner.
At least you get some flavorful foods
with all the protein and vitamins that go
with it and you won't need to chew it

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:59 pm
by jmp1022
You can get a good CDB from a healthfood store.
It's suppose to help with pain.
And it doesn't put you in a dream state.

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 11:47 pm
by Debbie AZ
If you smoke pot you will be high, but CBD oil doesn’t do that, also be careful if you are in a random drug testing at work if you are smoking medically or not! A friend of mine got fired, even though it’s legal to smoke here medically and recreationally his employers says no way. He hated his job so he’s still in that ‘Dream’ state of mind! Lol

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 7:59 am
by pamcook
I would stay away from the marijuana - no one is talking about the lung damage from inhaling smoke.

CBD is a whole different thing. Debbie is right.

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:11 am
by jfugina
Smoking is not an issue. I have no desire, but in addition, I can't physically do it. I can't recall how long, but I'm not supposed to drink through a straw and I know that smoking was on that list of sucking/pressure activities to avoid.

I need to do more research. The oil is really all I'm interested in, I think. I've heard tales that topical application can help with musculoskeletal pain, so that's what I'm curious about. But talking with a friend yesterday, I found out that I can't visit a local dispensary without a card, and getting a card takes about 3 weeks. So that's not likely to help me with my current tooth pain situation. But might still be worth pursuing in order to visit a dispensary when the next occasion comes up.

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 12:13 pm
by EDelValle
CBD oil is not medical marijuana, it's available
online from many different websites. I purchase mine
they have it in many forms, gum, capsules, liquid,
If you get the liquid I would advise putting it into
a mint tea or something similar. The first time I
used it I made the mistake of putting it into my
yogurt and it tasted like a tree :)
It has helped to lessen all of the different pains that
I have on a daily basis. It may not eliminate your pain
but will lighten it

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:29 am
by paddlegal
Julie I hope your pain vanishes soon and you are back in business. You have all my good vibes.

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:54 pm
by pbp908
The CBD oil that I've used is fairly tasteless and you put it under your tongue. I need to get some more because my knees are starting to hurt again.

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:38 am
by jfugina
I got approved for a card on Friday. So now I just need to be patient. My friend who works in a dispensary said they don't have tinctures yet (is that the stuff that goes under the tongue?), but I'm still looking forward to being able to visit her store and find out more about what they do have.

After the storms that rolled through this weekend, I quickly realized that I maybe need to focus on anxiety and insomnia moreso than pain. I've had too many times where I've watched water stains actively form on my ceiling during a massive downpour (occasionally followed by actual dripping) that now anytime it even thunders, I just start shaking like a frightened animal. I've had multiple roofers out and no one can figure out how the water is getting in because the roof looks to be in perfect condition. The only real way to figure it out I guess would be to rip open my coffered bedroom ceiling and see if we can spot any daylight, and then pray to high heaven that we haven't been growing mold in the walls for years on end.

Yeah, I maybe need to stock up on some edibles to have during our midwest thunderstorms. :oops: At this point, I'm thinking that if I can get my hands on anything that will help chill me the f out, it will be a blessing.

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:45 pm
by Monica
Julie, if you have HVAC ducts running through the ceiling that may be the culprit. We have that same issue at work, but no one (City council) wants to pay money to have an HVAC tech in to properly fix it.

Re: Wisdom tooth update

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:40 pm
by pbp908
Could also be that the wind has loosened some roof tiles around the vents on the roof. I have that issue now and from the outside it looks fine.