Oh Why Not???

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Oh Why Not???

Post by pbp908 »

It was a week, but this one started off with the sun shining, so I have hopes for it.

Hoping that Pam Cook is recuperating well and will soon be up and around soon. For those who don't know, she fell and broke a femur. Ouch!!! Sending healing prayers!

Last Monday my washer decided that since it didn't go through a drain cycle it was going to run itself through all of the wash cycles. After taking the entire load out, hand wringing it, draping the entire soggy mess over the deck rails, and bailing the dratted thing out (how many gallons is 28 cups x 8?), my neighbor (McGyver) came over and found the problem - a belt had come off. Put it back on and it runs fine as long as we do very small loads. Called for repair. Good thing I'm not holding my breath.

Friday the same neighbor (who I rely on more and more but he's MOVING!) was over to help us finish the interior of the garage building I bought George (with the understanding that it would be kept neat, clean and organized and I would have ample room for gardening tools - yeah, right), and the stupid dog got out of the fence. Since George was supervising the work from a folding chair and couldn't be bothered to help catch the dog, I finally corralled him in the garage and grabbed a rope to use as a lead. Dratted animal pulled me down in the middle of the construction zone and I landed on my knees. My whack sense of humor kicked in when I rolled over, so instead of screaming in pain I told George not to let Dr. Carter know because then he'd gripe at me some more about the knee replacements. Thank goodness he's campaigning for the NC Senate now (with Mike Huckabee beside him, no less!!), so he won't be seeing me any time soon. :lol:

Then... Saturday afternoon I was propped up on one side of the recliner watching a movie with George (yes, we bought an ugly ugly ugly recliner for 2) and it was time to take some pain meds. I made it to the bathroom door and started yelling for George. Yep, it was under 2" of water from a busted hose on the commode. I grabbed every plier in the house and took them to him and he still couldn't get it shut off. Called my neighbor (McGyver, who is MOVING dangitall) and he ran over, killed the water to the house, and got the commode cut off turned to the off position. Meanwhile Adam had grabbed the shop vac, which started smelling like burning rubber, but at least we got all but a bit of the water up. Water back on, Jim (aka McGyver) had a date in S. Pines for dinner, so we had to wait until Sunday to pick up the part to fix it. Jim came over, took him 5 minutes to fix, and now we're in business again w/o having to use the bathroom on the other end of the house.


Since there was water pouring into the heating vent in the bathroom, and the fact that there was no heat coming through that vent or the one in my bedroom, we called for repair. $500 lighter and a new run of ductwork (the old one is still full of water and was on the ground) and at least I'll have a warm bedroom tonight.

Still waiting on the washer repair guy. :lol:

Hope you have sunshine where you are and you are exercising your sense of humor!

Love you,
Perilous Pam
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by jmp1022 »

wow what a few days!
Jill P
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by pbp908 »

On top of that, Jill, I just recovered from RSV. Do NOT want to do that again.

But on the bright side - I have tons of books loaded on my Nook!! Nobody is complaining that I'm not doing laundry, driving someone somewhere, cooking something... Not that I want to stay down for long because you can only look at cobwebs for so long and then you want to get the dust mop! But I'm enjoying this time to read, watch another season of Heartland (why didn't someone tell me about this series??? I'm up to season 8!), and argue with the cat about him making a mess of the bed after I've made it.

I've learned to roll with it and laugh at it. Life is too short for all of my calamities to hold me down for more than a little bit!

Calamity Pam, aka Perilous!
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by Monica »

Wow, Pam! Your life is so much more adventurous than mine! This getting older thing is just not for the faint of heart, is it? Glad everything turned out well in the end!
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by jmp1022 »

Did you get all the shots?

Flu, RSV, Covid
Jill P
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by pbp908 »

Jill, I did not get any of them and I will not. I do not trust big pharma nor our government. I could tell you things about the Covid shots that would turn your hair white.
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by Monica »

I got the initial Covid and the 1st booster because I had to for my job, but I've never gotten a flu shot and have no plans to. My dr's office recommends it every year because I have chronic bronchitis (haven't had that for several years either), but I find just being smart and taking precautions keeps me from getting sick that much. Mainly I get sick when DH brings something home and I don't realize quickly enough that he's sick!
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by EDelValle »

What a week! I hope that's it for the year, Pam.
Our house is over 100 years old and I feel like
I should have the plumber on speed dial.
Luckily they are in the neighborhood and
deal with old house plumbing every day. A
young plumber wouldn't know where to even
begin to look for a problem.
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by jmp1022 »

I just don't know why you don't get the shots.

I got the shots and did not have any of that stuff.
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by wannabescrappin »

Pam, so sorry for all your trouble :(. Wish you had given me a call - I could have pointed Kurt in your direction, or at least given you a shoulder!! He'll help out whomever (my upstairs commode has been leaking for a year :lol:) at the drop of a hat...

Glad things are better now. How 'bout a road trip soon? Can't wait to see you :happy94:
Find time each day to rejoice in the journey...

Cheryl H (aka wannabescrappin)
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by pbp908 »

Servpro came yesterday. They'll be back Monday. :angry48: I am so ready to sell this place.

Jill, to put it as simply as I can about the jabs: They replace all of your immunities with whatever is in the shot. That makes you immune (supposedly) to whatever they just injected into your body. That does not include mutations of the "whatever" was in the previous jab, thereby requiring yet another one for each mutation that rears it's lousy little head. Now just think about this for a minute - all of the immunities that your body built during your lifetime have been replaced with whatever has been inserted into you via jabs. How many times have I heard "I don't understand why I have Covid again. I had the shots." Well honey pie, welcome to the wonderful world of mutation, which is a natural process of viruses.

I've had Covid. It was no worse than a really bad cold. Now I have a natural immunity.

As for the RSV. When I went to my doctor, he and everyone in his family had just started recovering from it. I asked him if we now had immunity to it in the future. He said he didn't know. I asked if the shot would give me immunity. He said there was no data on either of my questions and there was no guarantee that the shot would keep us from getting it. If my doctor is in the dark about it, I'm diddly :censor: if I'm going out on that limb.

RSV was rough for me, but only because I waited a week before I went to the doctor. As soon as I started taking antibiotics and Prednisone, I had a quick recovery. But by then my energy level was at zero and it took almost a full week before I recovered. George got it, but he started taking the prescription drugs immediately and had nothing worse than a mild cold. He did experience the lag of energy, and since my doctor was also dragging I feel safe in saying that's a symptom of RSV.

So do what you want. But I would refer you to Robert Kennedy Jr.'s book "The Real Anthony Fauci." Also, there was a 16 page document that Pfizer released that listed (in very small print) all of the side effects of their vaccine. If you look hard, it might still be available online. But like I said, do what you want.

And no, Kennedy is NOT my only source for the way I feel about this mess. From day 1 I started doing my own research. It's just science after all.
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by pugmom »

Pam, I hope things are calming down for you, that everyone is now healthy and that you have no more household emergencies. You need a break!
Sue in NC (formerly known as Sue in Colorado)
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by pbp908 »

pugmom wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:26 am Pam, I hope things are calming down for you, that everyone is now healthy and that you have no more household emergencies. You need a break!
Why, yes. Yes, I do!
Pam P.
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by jmp1022 »

Did you get smallpox, measles, mumps, vaccine, to enter school?
Jill P
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Re: Oh Why Not???

Post by pbp908 »

Jill, I'm 71 years old. My vaccination records have been lost to time many years ago.

I can tell you that I had measles - several times my childhood body sported red spots. I had Chicken Pox - once was enough. I was fortunate enough to dodge the mumps bullet.

I did get the Salk Polio Vaccine series. I remember getting those on a sugar cube. I had a Smallpox vaccine - I have the scar on my left arm to prove it.

As far as I know, the only mandated vaccines during my childhood were Polio and Smallpox.

Now, considering my age, do you seriously still want an answer to that question, because a quick look at mandates for schools did not really become a thing until the late 70's early 80s.

Also, Jill, you're attempting to compare figs to grapefruits. Yes, they're both fruits and they grow on trees. But that's where the similarity ends.

The vaccines you mentioned were not created using MRNA. Yes, there were issues with them, but nowhere near the large numbers of people affected, nor the severity of those issues.
Pam P.
Number 5 In the Order of PAO

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