Prayers Greatly Appreciated

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Re: Prayers Greatly Appreciated

Post by pamcook »

Pam P is correct. It’s a sham. Oh please don’t get me started!!!
Pam Cook #48
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Re: Prayers Greatly Appreciated

Post by EDelValle »

The flu vaccine has been an annual
immunization since it was first developed.
It's based on the variants that show up
early around the world before they get
to epidemic proportions. It's part of the
science of medicine. The numbers of people
that currently die from influenza are far lower
than they were before the vaccines were
If everyone followed common sense habits
to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria
there would probably be no need for preventive
vaccines in the world but that seems to be an
endangered species these days. Washing hands
frequently, staying home when sick, etc.
I worked with a medical house call service
for over 40 years, the numbers of patients
getting the flu increased with how mild the
winter weather was. If the weather was bad
people that didn't feel well stayed home and
the flu didn't spread as much but if it was
mild they went out shopping or whatever
and spread those germs around and we would have
hundreds of requests for doctors every day. Since
seeing sick people was our business, we used to joke
about telling patients to go to the mall to do
their Christmas shopping if they had the flu.

Getting influenza has never really scared me
because it has been controlled for quite some
time but getting Covid scares the hell out of me.
I know that even vaccinated there is still the
possibility of getting this virus the same as if
I had the flu vaccine but it wouldn't strain the
body as much as not being vaccinated and
getting it. So even though I am vaccinated,
I will continue the same precautions that I
followed before being vaccinated, wash hands
frequently, stay out of crowded places, don't
touch commonly touched surfaces eg door
handles, elevator buttons, with my bare hands.
(I tend to touch my face a lot), wear a mask
in areas where people tend to congregate. I
worked in a medical building for the first
year and a half of this pandemic and luckily
following my own rules didn't even get a cold
during that time.
Now, my husband is in a nursing home for
physical therapy following a fall at home and
I'm scared all over again because I can see
that certain procedures are not followed by
everyone, even though visitors need to show
a negative test or proof of vaccination and wear
a mask while in the building. I know that those
things are not a guarantee that someone has not
contracted the virus after vaccination or testing.
So, I've taken my lysol wipes into the nursing home
and I wipe down any surface that I feel Raymond will
come in contact with to minimize the potential for
any infection and hopefully he'll get home without
getting anything more serious than a cold
Be Yourself, Everyone else is taken


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Re: Prayers Greatly Appreciated

Post by nchoney »

the flu vaccine would cover the strains they're aware of.... sort of like an antivirus program running on your computer... it knows how to fight off the computer viruses that it's been taught to fight off.... the "brand new" computer viruses are called Zero Day viruses... things that haven't been looked at by programmers. There are programs that fight those off differently.. or at least they try to ward off those.

Covid vaccines work by breaking down how the Covid-19 organisms work in your body. These new variants need to be studied, too... to find out if they're working in the same manner to infect you... or if they've mutated and are now very-much different. The vaccines also do not keep you from contracting the disease. They help you recover more quickly and fight it off more effectively. While you're infected, however, you are still able to transmit it to others.

And yes... sending prayers and hugs to anyone we know who is sick from this. We still have a long ways to go.
Debi Daugherty
IT Director by day... Scrapper by night
Mrs. Fire Chief

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