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April Challenge!

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 7:16 pm
by pamcook
I know you’re all anxiously awaiting the challenge. :creating:
I’ll do my best to get it posted during the day tomorrow. I forgot to have coffee today and my brain isn’t happy with me.

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 7:08 pm
by pamcook
Okay - I did it!
Your challenge this month is to use this sketch for inspiration. Please remember that you can use any part or all of the sketch and it counts. Maybe it reminded you of a feathered or sunburst paper/sketch/stamp in your stash - whatever!
D63A40F6-9372-4558-8A97-C9DEFEEB50EC.jpeg (71.33 KiB) Viewed 550 times
Use 3 shades of one color.
Mixed media of any sort. Stamps, splatters, stencils, paint,
Mist, texture media - whatever!

860661B9-4865-4B2A-8908-400D75CF890D.jpeg (170.7 KiB) Viewed 550 times

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 9:40 pm
by jfugina
I love the stamp below the photo. It's absolutely perfect - that photo looks like he maybe just got away with something. :lol:

I'm totally up for this challenge. My big decision will be whether I want to scour my photos and find a single photo to use, or use this as part of a two page spread. Either way, count me in. I love the sketch and I love your sample.

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:27 pm
by jfugina
Wow - I'm the first entry. How exciting! I decided to do a two-pager, because I had more photos that went together. The photo quality is terrible because I printed them with my photo printer, and it printed all streaky, so I've ordered more ink and will give it another go and replace the photos. I also think I'm going to do something else with page 2, because the splatters went not at all where I wanted them to. After this challenge, three bottles of mist went into the trash. They probably all need to go. LOL. Anyway, here's the challenge page, and it's companion page. I think I got two out of three of the challenges - the sketch, and the mixed media. Pulled out my "After Five" stamp set from CS - so that was fun! Thanks for the challenge Pam!
wine_small.jpg (157.55 KiB) Viewed 523 times
wine2_small.jpg (146.93 KiB) Viewed 523 times

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:54 pm
by mpizzazz
What a fun layout, Julie! Great new hobby to take up during Stay at Home last year! Did you take out the sprayers of the mists and soak them in a sink of warm water to get rid of the dried up spray? That sometimes gets them moving again.

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:27 pm
by jfugina
I have some of those Tim Holtz mini misters, and I don't intend to just sacrifice those. But the rest of them just need to go. I've tried soaking and cleaning the nozzles, but I probably just let them sit for far too long. And to be honest, all of the mists I've ever tried did nothing but give me fits and make a massive mess when they were new. I think I'm just not cut out for those. The only saving grace about the mist effect on this layout is that it pretty much looks like the kitchen counters and floors look after I got done racking the malbec today, and trying to clean the bucket with the sludge. Heh. The color of the mist I used is called "merlot", so this was a great layout to use it on before it was chucked.

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:27 pm
by pamcook
Lovely pages Julie! I’m so happy you joined in!

I almost never use the sprayers. I unscrew the top and tap the side of the top which flicks the small amount of mist that’s in the tube onto the paper. Another popular trick is to use a fan brush. Put the brush in the bottle, tap the excess inside the bottle, hold the brush over the area where you want mist and tap the brush handle with your other hand. You might want to rescue those mists!

Here’s a video done by one of my heros.

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:19 pm
by Keitha
Great subject to scrap, Julie. It's nice to see your pages again.

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 12:44 pm
by pbp908
Julie - If you're getting streaks with your photo printer you might also need to clean the nozzles and then do a test to see if it needs more than that.

This is the day when I introduced Macie to Bailey. She was feeding her pieces of leftover peppermint candy from Christmas. Unfortunately I startled Bailey with the camera, but I still love the picture.

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 12:54 pm
by jfugina
Oh I really love that layout Pam. I agree that's a really great photo.

And thanks for the printer tip. My big worry is that this printer has gone too long between uses. This particular printer has some self-diagnostic tools, and I did them all. After going through a head cleaning and a printer re-alignment, the streaks were worse. So I'm going to try a new ink cartridge, and then maybe try the diagnostics again. If that doesn't work, then I guess I just let it fall into disrepair due to lack of frequent use.

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:37 pm
by Keitha
Really nice layout Pam. I agree, that photo's a keeper.

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:53 pm
by pamcook
It's a beautiful page, memory, and photo!

Is the feather a die cut? I have a feather set and need to just cut a few to have on hand. That one is really pretty!

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:12 pm
by pbp908
The feather is from a package of 7 Gypsies stickers that I purchased several years ago. I think they were on a clearance rack because it's not ordinarily something I'd purchase. I spritzed the heck out of it to change the color to grey. I had a blue feather that I found in the backyard but for some reason it's flown the coop. :shock: I'll probably find it under one of the rolling carts when I clean.

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:08 pm
by pamcook
Oh, okay. It’s very pretty and great idea to change the color.

Re: April Challenge!

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 7:31 pm
by jmp1022
It's a perfect beautiful page.
It's amazing how little kids get animals to react.