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Re: Projects class... Kill a kit! Or stash... whatever works

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:38 am
by Monica
and the rest... sorry for the glare, but the metallic parts reflected the light.

Re: Nature class... gemstones

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:25 am
by pugmom
I made this card yesterday. I think it qualifies for this challenge.
Greetings Card.jpg
Greetings Card.jpg (63.46 KiB) Viewed 733 times

Re: Nature class... Birds

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:32 am
by pugmom
I did two bird pages this weekend. First, the hummingbirds that I watch from my kitchen window and the second is the baby robins that I've been watching this month. They have now left the nest and haven't even come back to visit me :cry:
hummingbirds.jpg (97.46 KiB) Viewed 883 times
Baby Birds.jpg
Baby Birds.jpg (113.21 KiB) Viewed 883 times

Re: Projects class... finding a UFO and getting it done

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:35 am
by pugmom
I wasn't going to post this because I didn't think it fit any category, but since the pictures have been sitting on my desk for a looooooong time, I decided to call it a UFO.
homecoming.jpg (120.3 KiB) Viewed 865 times

Re: Nature class... Birds

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 6:07 pm
by paddlegal
Pam your little man is just too cute! So is the little bird.

Sue, super LOs! Love the details on your hummer page. So sweet of the Robins. Yes, once they’re gone, they’re gone.

So to at least make one contribution though repeating myself, I am reposting one of my July 4th cards. I am so in love with the new Altenew Bald Eagle stamp and die set and I promise there will be more bird cards to come.

Re: Textiles class... fibers and fabrics and yarns, oh my!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 6:43 pm
by mpizzazz
I finally have something to post. This year is my year to finish projects whether they are paper or fabric, a year old or 30+ years old. :shock:

This is a quilt I started in the late '80s. After I gave up hand quilting due to neck and shoulder problems in the 90s, it was in a cloth bag under a bed for about 20 years. I couldn't find a group to finish hand quilting it so a few years ago, I gave myself permission to machine quilt the rest of it. Then it went back under the bed for a few more years. Robin needs a new quilt and she picked this one for me to bring next month when we go to OZ so I finally finished it today. I think she is going to be surprised to see that little hand of hers on it!
Finished Quilt web.jpg
Finished Quilt web.jpg (210.61 KiB) Viewed 833 times
Where the hand and machine quilting meet.
Where the hand and machine quilting meet.
Detail web.jpg (151.2 KiB) Viewed 833 times
Robin's 2 or 3 year old hand inside of Ray's hand, about 1992.
Robin's 2 or 3 year old hand inside of Ray's hand, about 1992.
Hands web.jpg (164.17 KiB) Viewed 833 times

Re: Outdoor activities

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:09 pm
by pbp908
What would summer be without the beach and a cute girl wearing sunglasses in a bathing suit? Macie absolutely loves the beach and having a new bathing suit for every. single. day. :lol: Hard to believe she'll be 4 in December.
BeachGlasses.jpg (284.63 KiB) Viewed 791 times

Re: Projects class... Kill a kit! Or stash... whatever works

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:44 pm
by paddlegal
Pam I thought I had commented on the Dog & the Deere...LOVE it and also enjoyed the history of your cars. I’ve had a similar history of fitting my 5’11” body comfortably into cars. My 6’3”+ son has even more trouble but found the RAV4 perfect for him.

So this is my lame attempt at trying to kill a kit. These cards (including that Bald Eagle card floating about) were made primarily from a Doodlebug 6x6 July 4th pad. Included are little cut outs that made cute focal points. The horse is for Nathaniel who is taking riding lessons and the flower vase for Vanessa. The auto is for a friend whose wife (and good friend of mine) passed away last October. I’ve been sending him happy mail. He is also a veteran and I know he will appreciate the patriotism of the auto and flags...he has a convertible red Corvette. This is the closest I could come, LOL.

Hope to kill off more of this pad. There is something so cheerful to red, white and blue even when it isn’t the 4th.

Re: Outdoor activities

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:05 pm
by pbp908
Thank you all!

Beach Raptor, coming soon to a theater near you! :lol:
MacieRaptor.jpg (285.36 KiB) Viewed 762 times

Re: KP... clean up!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 8:53 am
by pbp908
This was fun. I need to remember this. :)
Hearts.jpg (249.66 KiB) Viewed 851 times
Fall.jpg (243.78 KiB) Viewed 851 times

Re: Outdoor activities

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:01 am
by jmp1022
Has some fun when Hope and family was home.
Hanging around house and going to Chicago

Re: Outdoor activities

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:03 am
by jmp1022
last three
Top one is Ava going to first dance.
rest are hanging around house and going to Chicago

Re: Nature class... flora

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:35 am
by pugmom
This is the first of several pages I will be doing of my garden - two of my Asiatic Lilies. The rabbits also love these plants, not the blossoms, but the leaves, and will strip the stem clean. I've sprayed them with a very strong homemade hot pepper spray, store bought deer and rabbit repellent and now I have also put Irish Spring soap shreds around the plants. The sprays seem to work for a few days, but I have to be diligent about reapplying them. We'll see if the soap works.
garden.jpg (118.7 KiB) Viewed 878 times

Re: Nature class... flora

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 1:25 pm
by jmp1022
This is posted in outdoors too

Firecracker kit from ClubScrap

Re: Projects class... finding a UFO and getting it done

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:43 pm
by pbp908
One of several small canvases I've started and walked away from. This isn't what I had in mind, but it's what it became. :lol:
Be2.jpg (216.75 KiB) Viewed 823 times