Trying to get motivated

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Trying to get motivated

Post by jfugina »

I hate it when days like today strike. I've got all day with no commitment other than getting to the grocery store. There's housekeeping that needs doing, but I'm not feeling it. I've literally got ALL DAY to sit and play in my craft room, but I'm not feeling that either. Ug. I hate it when that happens! :x

I'm just "off". I think it might have something to do with the steroids I was given to fight off some hives. I had what appeared to be an allergic reaction to something last week, and after 3 days of hives I finally went and got some steroids to get rid of them. It worked, but I can just tell I'm just not right. The doctor said I can be done with those once the hives are gone, so I think it's time to stop and see if I can get back to normal (hopefully without the hives re-appearing). I have no idea what caused them - no different food, no different detergents or anything on my skin - nothing. Could be random weirdness, or I could have developed an allergy to something I eat or come in contact with on a regular basis. Ug. Not looking forward to trying to figure that out either.

Anyway... maybe if I sit here long enough and just start going through supplies or photos, some inspiration will hit. Once I get to work, maybe it will take my mind away from this "off" sensation. Otherwise it's going to be a long day of not wanting to do anything, but feeling super fidgety at the same time. Wish me luck!
Julie Fugina
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Re: Trying to get motivated

Post by Keitha »

I hate when that happens, too. Maybe pick up an album or something you made previously and look through it; that might give you the urge to start something new.
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Re: Trying to get motivated

Post by pamcook »

Choose 5 related photos and a kit. Put them on your desk and ignore them. After about an hour, write down your title. Walk away.
Steroids will mess with your ability to concentrate. Don’t force it but doing these few steps should get you moving again. Maybe not today but once it’s washed out of your system, you’ll be a few steps ahead. Hope you feel better!
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Re: Trying to get motivated

Post by jfugina »

Pam - that's actually a really good suggestion. Doing one thing and walking away - I like it. I've had to take steroids before for a penicillin reaction, but I don't remember them messing with me like this. Of course, the cups of coffee I had this morning probably did NOTHING to help either. My ability to concentrate has definitely taken a hit. "Twitchy" is a good word for what I've got going on, I think.

Since the original post, I did find a project to keep me occupied, and I'm feeling a little better (I think the coffee is wearing off a bit). I took all of my hard-copy spiral bound Scrapbook Generation sketch books, and un-bound them and 3-hole punched them. I then co-mingled all of the pages, sorted by number of photos and merged them into my big 3-ring binder of the other printed SG sketches. I've been meaning to do that for a while, because I get irritated having to look through 6-7 different sketch books looking for just the right thing.

Once that was done, it motivated me to get out the remaining stack of 2015 photos (there are only 10 things remaining for 2015), and pull sketches for each set of photos. I'd really like to close out the 2015 year and get that album loaded and on the shelf. I always get overwhelmed when I'm more than a couple of years behind... especially since all of my years are starting to blur together. :shock:
Julie Fugina
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Re: Trying to get motivated

Post by Keitha »

Sounds like you made good use of your day Julie.
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Re: Trying to get motivated

Post by pamcook »

That’s great!
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Re: Trying to get motivated

Post by pbp908 »

Make sure they didn't change the formula on your detergent. I always used Surf and then suddenly broke out with hives. Couldn't figure it out until I noticed that the new bottle said "oxygenated" or something like that. Bought a different detergent, rewashed everything and that took care of it.
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Re: Trying to get motivated

Post by jfugina »

pbp908 wrote:Make sure they didn't change the formula on your detergent. I always used Surf and then suddenly broke out with hives. Couldn't figure it out until I noticed that the new bottle said "oxygenated" or something like that. Bought a different detergent, rewashed everything and that took care of it.
I had thought about that, but we use Tide Pods, and we've been working off of the same bucket since early December. I do worry that it was food related, and if it was something ingested on the very day I broke out, it could only be very simple things like bread, milk, eggs, pasta, or tomato sauce. The only thing I had for the first time was some pomegranate oolong tea that I found in the pantry. I know I'd never brewed it before. So maybe that was it. I've been hoping so, because I didn't particularly care for it, and would be pretty content to stay away from it.

The urgent care doc recommended I see an allergist and get a full workup. I guess of all of the doctors that I'm woefully behind in visiting, I should probably go ahead and get this one at the top of the list.
Julie Fugina
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Re: Trying to get motivated

Post by troublesmom »

Hope you find your answer soon Julie!
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Re: Trying to get motivated

Post by paddlegal »

Julie you made incredible progress! Reorganizing anything to work better for you is a big deal and you chose a great one.

I had hives at one time and I’m pretty sure it was stress related. I was feeling overwhelmed taking care of my parents when they were elderly during a particularly difficult time for them health wise. It lasted a few days and then left. I did wonder at the time if it had actually been shingles. Many years later I did indeed have shingles which happily have not reappeared since that time...another stressful period in my life.

I hope it’s the tea. :happy94:
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Re: Trying to get motivated

Post by jfugina »

Thanks Farley. I've been trying to consider all of the factors. It really shouldn't have been stress, because the stress levels in my life are actually pretty minimal relative to what they've been in years past. And oddly enough, shingles crossed my mind too, but I've heard that they're so much more painful than what I had last week - so that thought was only fleeting.

It's been about 30 hours since my last dose of medicine of any kind, and no flare-ups yet, so that's good. I'm paying attention to every little prickle now though, hoping that it's not another reaction starting to flare up. Hopefully it's just a one time thing (or that nasty tea) for me as well.
Julie Fugina
#26 in the order of the PAO
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